"The One"- that Flew Over the "Cuckoo's Nest"


"The One" - That Flew Over the "Cuckoo's Nest".

Often, when you are self Exploring and Introspecting, you come to the crossroads of wanting to stay in the light or cross the line and succumb to your darkness. 

Its times like these, in which, if you show some patience and resilience you get a chance of breaking free and creating something memorable.

It can be anything - a write up, a life changing decision of breaking free from bonds, "A perfectly timed photograph."

In short, your Patience will always pay off in drafting your path towards creating your own Masterpiece, out of your life.

Its bits and pieces like these that just add up, in freeing you from your taboos or "Nests". 

After all, we all have our demons, controlling them or being controlled by them lies in our minds !!


© Nishit Bhandari




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